Saturday, September 08, 2007

Sully Shih Tzu in August

Hello Again to Everyone,
Once again I have been a very busy Shih Tzu in the last month. There have been some pretty interesting things that happened around the Sully Shih Tzu home in August.
A couple weeks ago on a Friday night, Buddy ( my Shih Tzu brother) and I were wrestling around the house and I guess I got so stimulated that something very weird happened to me. I don't want to really explain it, but I will tell you some of the details, others you will have to just imagine.

It was about 9 pm and Buddy and I were wrestling in the front room. Pop was in the shower and mom was reading on her chair. All of a sudden, mom couldn't hear us wrestling, she thought that was strange so she called our names. Neither one of us answered, so she got up out of her chair and came to see what was going on. Well, she thought maybe I has messed on myself because it looked like some messy was hanging from my tail. As she got closer, she realized I wasn't moving and she really thought that was strange. She picked me up to take me outside and realized that I had a serious problem. I was so stimulated by the wrestling with Buddy that I ( lets just say, had all my blood in one location. Mom took me outside and then starting banging on the window for pop to come outside. Mom was holding me and when Pop say me, it looked like ( to him anyway) that I may have been attacked by a coyote, because he thought my internal organs were protruding out. I think you get the picture now of what happened. Any way, pop called the emergency animal clinic and tried to explain what had happened and that was comical in its own right. To end the story, we went to the emergency room and before we got there, I was all cured. They said that it was a good thing we still visited them because they have seen this before and the results weren't real good when it wasn't taken care of. I am so happy my mom and pop take care of me.

That was one of the crazy incidents that happened in the last month. There are a few more Shih Tzu moments and I will make another post before the day is over. I want to add some current pictures also.

I will talk to you all later

Bye for now

Love you all


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