Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sully Shih Tzu and Buddy in March

Hello Everyone,

Once again it has been a long time since I have posted anything in this blog.

On March 2nd, we wanted to go for a walk before pop went to work for the day, like the one we went on a few days earlier. You can see it was nice then.

Sully Shih Tzu on a Walk

But, when we got up Sunday morning, once again the slight snow flurries that were predicted, now became a full winter storm as pictured below.

Sully Shih Tzu Snow

So, Buddy and I said to each other, lets just take it easy today so we went to sleep on the bench by the front window and took the day off.

Sully Shih Tzu and Buddy Taking a Nap

Anyway, we have spent the winter inside alot, we have had all our shots and we are healthy and ready for spring and summer. The weather is starting to get nice and we get to spend alot more time outside and pop takes us for walks almost daily now. But we still get snow as I will show you tomorrow when we wake up. Believe it or not, It is snowing right now, the night before Easter.