Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sully Shih Tzu Online

Hello from the cool Shih Tzu. Sorry I was gone so long, been very busy and pop has been off for a few days so I wanted to hang with him. The picture above is after we got done mowing the yard, cleaning the cars and I was very dirty. Just before I get a bath, this is what I do. It is kind of a gross pic, put pop said he was going to show me as I am.

Now I am on the top floor window ledge. I just learned how to do that y-day. I can see the whole hood now.

Now I am coming down the stairs after checking out the hood. All was ok. Man this has been a tough day.

Now it is time for a little nap with my Mallard Duck. It is either the Football or the Duck that keeps me company.

Ok, now it is time for me to beg for some food. That is what I do good. I always get what I want. Today, I had some mac and cheese. All I have to do is look cute and these adults just give in.

Ok, I have done a lot to get caught up. Can't wait until football season. Hey you guys in Seattle area, we (Denver Broncos) play you this year here and we are going to whip you good. Then when we meet in the Super Bowl, the same thing will happen. What do you say about that?
Let me know.

Love ya all


Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Hi everyone,

Just wanted to update you on what I have been doing lately. Tonight, I helped pop mow the yard and then we went for a long walk. I got a lot of exercise. We took a ride tonight, I love doing that. I go nuts when mom grabs her purse and says want to go bye-bye. I jump all over her. We drove all over the town and I saw a lot of people. I am getting better at not barking at everyone all the time. It was a nice day today and I spent a lot of time outside this morning with my sister Chanel. Well, I am going to bed now, talk to you later.
Bye from Sully Shih Tzu

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Saturday Night Football Shih Tzu

Hello. it is Saturday night and I now know what kind of fall it is going to be. I guess pop likes to watch the Broncos on TV so I don't get all the attention when the game is on. I wish I understood the game better. I really like to chase the football but I don't understand what is happening on the TV. Oh well, I guess he gets to have some time to himself too.
I hope my Uncle Jesse is ok. He had an emergency with an appendicitis operation the other night. I haven't met him yet, but one of these days I am going to visit him. Get well Jesse so I can wrestle with you someday. Then of course, it rained all day and I don't like it when I have to use the restroom and it turns out to be wet grass. Everyone, have a good day from the Cool Dog Sully Shih Tzu (pop makes me say that)

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Today we had a nice thunderstorm and I had to get in the window ledge and see for myself. Do you think it is strange for a Shih Tzu to get in the window ledge or was I a cat on my past life? I know I was outside when the thunder started and it does scare me some. We get a lot of storms this time of year.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Good Morning

Hello everyone,
I just took a 2 mile walk with pop and now I am outside eating one of my chicken strip dog treats. Us Shih Tzus love those treats. Of course, that is what they do to get me outside so I will stay there for a while. I am looking forward to Tuesday so I can hang out with pop. He is not working and we will work in the yard and I can supervise him.
Talk with you tommorrow and if Shih Tzu out there, say hi to me.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sully Shih Tzu Update Sunday

Hello Everyone

I have been pretty busy Shih Tzu lately and I haven't taken anytime to give you a Sully Shih Tzu update.
I went to Petsmart on Friday did some shopping and we got some more treats. I really love to shop at Petsmart. I get to hang around and walk the store and see all the other animals and my pick out my treats.
I really like to hang around with my pop and chase the ball. We go for long walks alot and I see other dogs and I am not afraid of them like I was a little while ago. They also take me for rides almost every night and we get ice cream or ice tea from Starbucks. I bet you think it is strange for a Shih Tzu to hang out like that, but I get to see alot of people that way and I like to get in the truck and ride along. The fresh air is great.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Shih Tsu Tuesday

Hello everyone

Today was a pretty calm day for this Shih Tsu. I hung out with my Chanel(Poodle) outside most of the afternoon after sleeping for about 5 hours this morning. I cracked Mom up this morning when she was talking to pop on the phone. I decided to get up on the chair that she sits on when using the computer. Mom was laughing pretty hard when I was spotted. I guess because I have never done that before,it must have been quite comical for a Shih Tsu to be on the computer chair.
Pop, Chanel and I went for a walk tonight and went about a mile. It was pretty warm out and I was pretty tired when I got back. There sure are some big dogs out there. I am getting braver around them.
Pop and I play this game, he puts on a garden glove and I wrestle with him. I guess he is afraid I am going to bite him so he has to protect himself.

Everyone have a good night, see ya later

Monday, August 07, 2006

Sully Shih Tzu Monday

Hello everyone,
Sully the Shih Tzu here. This morning I sat with pop on the folding fishing chair in the driveway and we watched all the people and the neighbors pets walk by. I saw a really hot female Shih Tsu go by and pop had to hold me back. After a while we went to the back yard and he mowed the yard and I watched from my lounge chair and ate my dog treats. It was nice here today and I enjoyed sitting in the back yard. Pop gave me a bath tonight and now I am all clean. I get real sleepy after a bath so I am going to rest for now.
Thank you again for spending a moment with me
Talk to you all again

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Today Sunday Aug 6

Today, pop got the day off and we mowed the yard and then we played some football. I am a great supervisor. I watch him and he yells at me if I start to go near the road. I love to play football with pop. He throws the ball and I chase it, then I come back to him and dare him to tackle me. This is really fun when it snows here. I love the snow here because we play out in the back and we can really get rough with each other. I have to go now, thanks for spending some time with me.

If you get a chance, say Hi

Love everyone

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sully Introduction

This is the first post for Sully who just turned 1 year old. Sully came to us from a trip that my wife took to Arizona and Sully has been the most loving. Coolest dog that we have ever had.
Sully weighs 10.4lbs and has 6 toes and an underbite that makes you just want to love him.
In future posts, I will update his 1st year and then keep a running commentary on his activities

Tuesday, August 01, 2006