Friday, December 31, 2010

Sully Shih Tzu and Lena Wish You a Happy New Year

Hello Everyone,

I am wishing everyone a Happy New Year from Sully Shih Tzu Land.

We finally got our snow and cold weather. The pics below are from some of the same scenes you have seen in earlier posts except that today when these were taken we just had about 4" of snow and it is 5 degrees outside.

I guess pop won't be taking us out for walks until Sunday when it starts to warm up.

Today we are going to just hang around the house and when we have to do our business, pop gets us in and out very quick.

Both Lena and I along with Mom and Pop wish everyone a Happy New Year and a positive, prosperous 2011.

So for the rest of the day, look at the bottom pic where Lena and I are sitting on Pops lap while he watches football on TV.

By the way, Lena is snoring so loud, I have to make sure it isn't pop.


Love to all

Sully and Lena

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Hello Everyone,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

What a beautiful day in Sully Shih Tzu Land today in Colorado. We got to go for a couple of walks and saw the mountains - see the pictures below.
We also got some new toys for Christmas and had a very nice meal today.

It was so nice to have everyone home today and we just were able to relax and chill out.

Actually, Lena and I always relax and chill out so I guess I am speaking for Mom and Pop.

We took a ride today and Pop showed us where he runs and the views he gets




Our New Christmas Toys for Sully and Lena



From all of us Mom, Pop, Sully, and Lena

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Christmas Lights 2010 - "Love Story" by Taylor Swift

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Pop thought this was cool, please check it out

Friday, December 03, 2010

December in Sully Shih Tzu Land

Hello everyone,

It is so hard to believe that it is December 3rd already and this Shih Tzu hasn't posted since Sept. Busy? Not so much me, but my writer has been very busy with his work and with mom's craft fairs, it seems like there is no time for me lately.

That isn't totally true, but I am used to being top billing in this house.
I wanted to show some pictures of our walk today of the Rocky Mountains and Denver, Colorado as we see them on the walks that we take almost every day.

We have made most of the days this year because the weather has been so nice, only an inch of snow to date. Today it was 70 degrees on our walk. December and 70 degrees? Yes, hard to believe that it has been that nice in Denver.

Here are the views that we captured today - enjoy them

Wind Mill against the Rocky Mountains


More of the Rocky Mountains


We live down there somewhere


The trail we walk on


Denver as we see it from the top of the trail


I know the weather is going to eventually cool down, tomorrow it is supposed to be 42 with snow flurries, but then warm up again later in the week. That is what we usually get with a La Nina year, Less snow, cold weather - so far - less snow, but weather has been pretty warm. That is ok with me.

Until Later

Your Friends

Sully and Lena

Monday, September 06, 2010

It is now September in Sully Shih Tzu Land

Hello Everyone,

It has now moved into September in Colorado and now we never know what the weather is going to be like. Saturday and Sunday of this Labor day weekend were in the high 90's and now it is Monday and it is 68 degrees. No wonder I have a cold.
When pop took us for a couple of rides today I saw some doggies and pop said my bark was kind weak. He could tell that I wasn't feeling good because I was straining to say hello to all the other doggies. It didn't stop me but I have resorted to resting a bunch today at home since pop is here and keeping both Lena and me happy.

I am very happy that Lena has made a full recovery from that episode that happened a few weeks ago. That was a very scary night and we thought we had lost her a couple times.

It is nice now when we take our walks because it is a little bit cooler and we seem to be able to go further on our walks.

There hasn't been a whole lot happening this summer like there has been in the past.

I just wanted to update everyone, and wish everyone a great Fall season.

Bye for now

Sully and Lena

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Sully Shih Tzu Almost Lost His Sister Last Night

(as told by Sully 8/8/2010)

Hello Everyone,

We had a very scary night around the house last night. Around 7:30 Mom took Lena outside to do her business and all of a sudden, she had a very hard time walking and was in pain on her back right paw. Luckily Mom was outside and saw that Lena was in trouble so she brought Lena inside the house and told Pop that Lena was having a very hard time.

Once a gain, luck would have it, Pop was getting ready to do a 4 mile run and he wouldn't have been in the house.

Pop took over and took Lena back outside and then really realized that we had a major issue to overcome.

We still don't know what happened but she either got stung by a yellow jacket, or bit by a spider.

Lena started to loose all control of everything, front, back, couldn't hardly move and pop kept talking to her to keep her awake.

Pop took Lena into the laundry room and put her on the table so he could have her at his height, and tried to comfort her the best he could. He even lifted me up so I could see, but after a few minutes I didn't want any part of it. I started to cry and was wondering if i was going to lose my sister.

Last year I lost my brother Buddy in June of 09. Pop kept telling her that she was going to be ok and he just kept talking to her to keep her awake. This went on for about 2 hours.

Finally Lena make some kind of responsive moves that indicated she had heard her squeaky ball (mom was squeaking it) and when pop asked her if she wanted to take a walk, she ever so slightly lifted her ears.

Pop then moved Lena to the front porch so she could continue to remove the poison on the front yard instead of the Laundry room. Lena would walk a little, them lay in the cool grass.

Around 11pm, Lena started to walk a little more and actually went with pop almost down to the mail box, 4 houses away. Lena was still removing poison, but pop got real excited when she started to drink water.He told mom and she came out and sat with Lena for a while so pop could shower. He knew she wouldn't dehydrate then and was confident that he could leave her for a few minutes. Mom was talking to her and petting her making it real comfortable for her.

I was watching all this from the window in the front room because I would be in the way if I was outside

About 1am, pop set up his chair in the entry way of the inside of the house and was able to make a wall around the openings to the rest of the house. Pop saw that Lena was settling down so he wanted to have her sleep on his lap all night in case she had to move, he would wake up and take her outside.

I woke up at about 4:30 and went to see pop. He let me inside the wall for a bit, but I decided Lena was ok and I was going back to my bed.

Today, I must say has been better. Lena started eating around 8am. We took a walk and I knew she was ok when she started barking at other dogs. Pop then took us for a ride to the post office and we barked at all the dogs that we drove by.

Even though Lena got a bunch of top billing for 18 hours, I will trade mine for her to be ok. Today, most of us have been sleeping or laying around the house as we are all very tired.

Wow, that was a close call. Lena has allergies and she must have had a bad reaction to whatever it was that got her.

Back to lounging around.

Bye to all

Love, Sully and Lena

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sully Shih Tzu Update July 2010

Hello Everyone,

Yes I am still around!!!!

It has been a while since I have lasted posted but that doesn't mean I have just been chillin this summer. Last time, it was snowing, but now it has been in the high 90 degrees almost daily.

Since I am such a small dog, I have to spend alot of time in the house so I don't fry outside. I like the weather in the spring and fall and most of the time in the winter because I get to go on rides with mom when she works out or goes shopping. It is just too hot in the truck in the summer, so unless we aren't stopping anywhere for a period of time, I have to stay home. Booooooring. At least I have my sister Lena to be with. She has turned out to be a really cool friend. We get along very well.

I have some pictures below of Lena and Me just hanging out on a warm day in the cool house. Thanks pop for keeping the AC on.

This is me- getting ready for the groomers in a few hours- shaggy.


Lean an me hanging out in the next 4 pics


We will be getting ready for a garage sale in a few days and I am very excited. I didn't used to like them because I had to stay in the house or the back yard while everyone else was having fun. I convinced Mom and Pop that I could be good around people so they gave me a chance. I didn't disappoint anyone as I have now learned how to behave around bunches of people.
I even behave on the trail during our walks when other dog friends come around me. I can't say the same of my sister. She is a crazy dog when there are others around. She thinks she can whip an 80 lb dog and as long she is on that leash and pop is there, she is really tough. I don't think she would be the same if pop somehow let her loose. I don't want to find out. She just needs to chill out around others.

I will keep in touch, hopefully more often now that alot of the work is done around the house and we are making progress in getting ready for the fall craft fairs.
Mom makes all these aprons at Nanas Aprons

Have a good day, week, month - Bye for now

Sully and Lena

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What - May 12th and It is still snowing?

Hello Everyone,

Well, it is Colorado, but come on, really more snow?

This is what I woke up to this morning. It is May 12 today or at least that is what pop told me.

I am so glad I don't how to read a calendar, so to me it doesn't really matter what day, month, or year it is. I just live for the moment. If it is snowing, I am happy ( do you really believe that?),If it is nice outside I am happy ( I hope you believe that), whatever it is, I am happy because I am all about unconditional love ( as long as I get my way).

Any way, short and sweet, this was this morning and tomorrow is supposed to be the same.

sullycooldog snow
sullycooldog snow1

Have a good day and I can't wait for pop to start his vacation in another day.

Bye for now,

Sully and Lena

Monday, April 05, 2010

Hope you had a Happy Easter

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter. Lena and I sure did.

The weather here was beautiful, we took a couple of walks, pop did a bar b que for afternoon dinner and that meant we had some bones.

It is so nice that it is getting warmer here now that we are into spring. I know we will still have a snow or two before we get into May, but it was just nice to have the sun yesterday and I could lay around outside helping pop with the yard work. This whole weekend was pretty nice and I helped watch him while he was working.

Not sure why he had to take some tylenol for some kind of (minor)back pain, I don't need any of that stuff. Thats right, I am just laying around watching him, but sometimes, I get up and move around because the neighbor dogs are outside and I love to keep an eye on them.

Have a good week everyone, see you again soon.

Sully and Lena

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sully Shih Tzu Land Snow in March

Hello Everyone,

It is March 19th and here we go again. We had a nice snow storm today. At our house, we had 10" of snow today. Yesterday it was 70 degrees. In a couple of days it will be 60 degrees again and most of the snow will be melted.

It is strange when this happens, I go to sleep at night and everything is just right. Pop and I sat out on the back porch last night like it was a nice spring evening. I don't get weather forecasts like humans do, so I didn't realize when I charged out into the back yard this morning to do my business, I would be going into a freezer.

Talk about a wake up call. It doesn't take Lena and me to get done and come in real quick. Maybe when I see pop put on his jacket to take us out, I should figure out what is happening. At lease it wasn't as cold as it gets in the winter time.

Lena and I spent some time running around and wrestling in the snow a little bit later in the day. We are so used to getting out and walking every day with pop that we get cabin fever and we have to have some exercise.

Here are some pics of today of me and Lena in the backyard.

This all happened in about 2 hours

sullycooldog snow1

It isn't as cold as it looks, just gazing at the yard


I think it is time to go in


Lena trying to figure out why snow in March


Oh well, it gave us more time to work on Moms website Nanas Aprons

Have a good weekend everyone

Sully and Lena

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Almost Spring in Sully Shih Tzu Land

Hello everyone,

It just seems like time just flies by fast anymore. Glad that I am a Shih Tzu and it doesn't really matter that much to me.

We have had a very nice winter this year. It has been cold but not as much snow as we usually do. Most of the snow has melted in the back yard and soon we may be able to see the front yard. The last time we saw the front yard this year was Nov 15th.

I must be getting old, I am 5 now, because I don't always want to go on walks anymore. Maybe it has to do with the neighbors dog that just about got me a few weeks ago when we did a walk around 10pm.

We were walking back to our house when out of nowhere this big lab came after us. He wasn't on a leash and we kind of panicked and he got pretty close to both me and Lena but somehow Pop was able to keep him away.

Now pop usually keeps his cool most of the time, but he was really upset at the person that owned the dog. She was going to her car, talking on her cell phone and couldn't really care that her dog got away from her and was scaring the crap out of us.

After pop got us to safety and the lab went into the car, he really lit into the person. Of course, she just stayed on the cell phone as if nothing happened.

Anyway, water under the bridge as the humans say, but I won't walk near that house anymore even in daylight. I walk on the other side of the road and my eyes are on that house the whole time. I have to think that is why I am not really excited about taking the evening walks anymore. There is something about the 10 pm time frame that I don't forget.

I am looking forward to daylight savings time next week so that we have light when pop comes home from work and also we get to go to the batting cages with pop since it is now baseball season. Both Lena and I like to see pop at the batting cages, it lets us get out and we also get to see other doggies at the park.

Pop has been helping mom with her web site where she is selling aprons. If you know anyone that needs an apron, please have them check out nanasaprons

Thank you and Love to all

Sully and Lena

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sully Shih Tzu Happy New Year

Hello everyone from Sully Shih Tzu and Lena,

We hope everyone had a very special holiday season. The last time I posted was on Thanksgiving Day and then I took a Holiday vacation. Yes, being a Shih Tzu, I thought I would take some time off also and spend more time with the family. We had a great Christmas and Pop took a vacation from Jan 1 thru the 9th. That was cool because I sure did spend a ton of time with him.

A couple things have happened around here in the last 6 weeks.

I think Lena has gone insane somewhat. She loves to go on walks as I have stated before and she almost jumps into the walking leash when pop is ready to take us. Of course, I just sit there and get hooked up and keep my cool. She is very hyper.

It seems like she can't wait for pop to come home sometimes so she goes over to where his shoes are and she stares at them and then starts wagging her tail. I guess she is trying to somehow tell him to come home and take her for a walk. This goes on for about 10 minutes until she gets focused on something else. I think she thinks that since she does this and then later pop comes home and takes her out, she has made this whole thing happen.

Lena also has developed an allergy and she was really have some very long itching spells. We took her to the Dr., I got to watch and no shots for me that day, but Lena had a shot and some medication. We also switched foods and now she doesn't hardly scratch at all. Hooray!!!

Lena has also become more curious about what is on the little hill in the back yard.

These 2 pics show her exploring the hill in the back yard, yes there is still snow there from mid November.

sully shih tzu and Lena

Curious, Curious...

sully shoh tzu and lena 2

Happy New Year - This was actually taken New Years Eve - Lena had to have her Cigar

Lena and New Years eve cigar

No Introduction Needed Here, You all Know who I am by now - Sully Cool Dog - Posing

sully shih tzu posing on the hill

Notice how I capture the Camera so Well

sully shih tzu posing for the camera

We wish everyone a prosperous New Year and Abundance to you.

Talk to You All Again Soon,

May everyone find peace in their hearts

Love All

Sully, Lena