It is sure nice that the sun is coming out again. It is amazing how warm the sun felt yesterday and it was just over 45 degrees. Today 58 degrees. Can't wait.
It will be nice when we can get back out on the trail and do our walk again. In this neighborhood we had 27" of snow, so if you hear that Denver only got 14", that is in the city. All these areas away from the city got between 2 and 3 feet of the stuff.
I am sure glad that pop takes the time to clear some trails in the back yard. We have our own maze and it is fun when Lena and I start to chase each other. Sometimes we lose sight of each other when we start running and we get confused. I go back to find her and here she comes around the corner like a freight train. I will tell you, when she smacks into you, you can feel it.
Below are some pics of the back yard and what we have to put up with for a while.

Take care and Love to all,
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