Well, this Shih Tzu is noticing a weather change now that it is mid September. Seems like pop takes us for a walk almost daily now because it isn't as hot. Kind of a nip in the air in the morning and late evening walks. That must mean it is getting closer to our first snowfall. I wonder how Buddy is going to like it. When we got him, he had spent allot of time outside according to the Dumb Friends League. I know he doesn't like to get real hot, but I wonder how he likes being cold. I remember when Pop and I played football outside for about 1/2 hour in the snow a few years ago. It was so much fun. Well, I am sure we are going to find out soon.
Mom found some really good food from Royal Canin and I am really eating much better now. It is going to help me stay healthy and pop says that is important. I eat too much junk food. I guess I am just really spoiled like a lot of Shih Tzus are if their owners let them be and believe me, mom and pop really spoil me. Even Buddy has been getting in on the act lately. He watches me and then tries to get away with the same stuff. I have shown him how to be real coy and give that look to get anything he wants. You know, that poor old me stare. Works every time.
Normally we get a bath about every 3 days, but there were a few accidents around here today. Last night, pop gave us both a bath and then this morning pop took us for a walk. Buddy did his business but got some on him and pop had to give him another bath this morning when we got back. I was so worried I was going to have to get one also because usually I do after Buddy gets one. Pop said , no not today Sully, you are spared. Then, pop took me for across the street to see mom and a neighbor lady during their garage sale. There was a cute little dog and I must have expressed myself because the next thing you know, pop said I smelled like fish oil and guess what. Yep, I had to get a bath also. Pop wasn't real happy, but as always, he gave me the bath and cleaned me up. After the bath, I always have to have a long nap. I feel so clean.
That is pretty much the highlights for this week so far.
Will keep in touch.
Bye for now