Hello everyone.
As pop is writing this, I am at Petsmart getting a haircut. I had get all over pop to get me a haircut. It is almost as if he forgot all of us.
It has been 7 weeks since our last cut and lately we have been having some very nice weather here for this time of year.
Gee, I wonder what it would be like if pop wore his heavy jacket all the time. I am sure he would get warm and take it off. In fact I guarantee you, he would. I have seen him do it many times when he says he is warm.
Well, guess what pop, I can't take my coat off when I get warm. I have to pant to stay cool. That is how we do it.
By the way, what were you waiting for anyway?
Did you just forget?
Did you loose interest?
Were you short of funds?
If you were short of funds,haven't you heard of the bailouts that have been happening? Remember, I lay around the house all day and I hear that on the TV all the time. Plenty of money is going out there for all kinds of stuff. I think I am just as important.
I am sure you could have applied for some of that Tarp money. You may have even been able to get a bonus and maybe get me some treats too.
Wow, I have kind of gone into a short rant here, haven't I? OK, I will get off the soapbox and hopefully, you can keep your mind of me long enough to come and pick all of us up.
OK, I will see you soon, right pop? It is getting kind of late.
Love ya, Sully, Buddy, Lena