Hello All,
Sorry once again that it has taken so long to post to my blog. I have an issue with my typist, seems like he is just a little too busy for me at times. I am going to have to have a serious talk with him to see if he still really wants this job.
I mean, does it look like there has been that much snow that he has to spend most of his time shoveling? Just because we have added another mountain top in Colorado in my front yard. At least it is called Sully's Peak. I figure this glacier will be there until, lets see, June?. Global warming? Where is the global warming at?
Anyway, the back yard is just as bad, so where do I do my business? At least mom knows that the old adage that it runs downhill is true. After the first snow storm on Dec 20th, 21st (big blizzard), some of it actually melted before we had our second snow storm(blizzard 7 days later) I was able to climb up the hill in the back and went to my favorite place (been very confusing lately because I can't get the scent of where I have been) anyway, as I was saying I went up the hill and did my thing. The next thing I know is that I feel good and mom is calling pop at work and said, Guess what, it really does roll downhill. Get the point?
Oh and we had another snowstorm last Friday, lets see 3 snow storms in 3 weeks. And it looks like another one coming this Thursday and Friday. What is this, the North Pole? Anartica? So far we have had 50" of snow at our house since Dec 20th. Not complaining, just stating the facts.
Here is a tip for those of you that have pets in cold climates like this. If they can't do their business, give them a dab of vaseline in the back part, that will help us. It gets so cold outside sometimes that it starts to go then can't. I hate to have to write about this, but if it helps out, I am happy about that.
I haven't been eating too good since my sister Chanel (poodle) left and went to Reno to join Coco ( another poodle and real sisters). But mom got really smart one day and told the vet and she suggested a meal of rice and boiled hamburger. Wow, that was the ticket, I really like that stuff and now I eat much better than I did. That is another hint if you have a Shih_Tzu that is as stubborn as me. I like to be spoon fed at times.
Ok, I am going to leave now
Bye all