First time I have talked to you since my best dog friend Buddy passed away. I will say that I still miss him and always will. Lena and I are living with his memory always in us.
Recap of Tuesday Aug 11th --
Ok so now on to the strange stuff happening around here.
Monday night or should I say Tuesday morning, we don’t go to bed until after midnight.
What is with the suitcases and the kennels in the hallway?
Then pop gets us up at 3am today. Some noise woke us, I guess it is an alarm clock which I don’t hear here very often. Scared me and Lena, I mean, come on now, we were in a sound sleep.
We take a walk at 3:30 am – this is very strange. No cars, no other dogs, just a very nice calm, no wind comfortable early morning. This is kind of cool because we have it all to ourselves. Well, almost. There was a house that has a dog that stays outside and he heard us thru the fence and he started barking. I am very sure the neighbors (not our nearby neighbors) enjoyed that. At least this time they can’t blame us since we were only provoking him and not doing the barking.
Pops friend comes over at 5am – now it is really getting strange – so I express myself which I do often when something dangerous is happening. I think maybe I am a little more dramatic than I need to be, but at least I get the attention. Since expressing myself doesn’t smell too good, pop has to give me a quick Butt Bath. That is what he calls it. He tells his friend thanks for coming over a few minutes early because he figured I would do this. I don’t know why I do it because it is not like the first time he has come over. I just don’t remember back far enough to realize he is a friend.
We then go for a ride and end up at a big building and Lena and I get put in our kennels.
This has never happened before.
Mom feeds me some cheese with something in it, but I am not buying it. Can’t calm me down.
Mom and Pop are standing at a counter (I am told that it is a check in counter, but for what?) and I am in my kennel – I want out, I am used to being with my pop not in this kennel. I don’t feel so cool right now. I am really nervous and kind of scared. This is different from the groomers or even the prison (actually the boarding place, I am being kind of hard on them calling it a prison) that I wrote about last time mom and pop took a trip.
We go to some other room and pop takes me out of the kennel and they put some wand on me and look at my kennel. I am so confused.
Lena and I both go down an elevator and now we aren’t with mom and pop anymore.
At 8:30 our time, we start moving and then a big loud thunder type noise is happening. Most of our thunder storms have noises that only last a few seconds. This one lasts for about 2 minutes and then it feels like we are floating. Wow – this is really weird. Where are mom and pop?
Ok this floating goes on for about 2 hours and it is kind of neat. I can actually relax for a bit and take a nap. All of a sudden it gets a little bit noisy again and it feels like he hit some big rocks or a rough road like when pop takes me for a ride. Then we stop and now there is daylight again, but the air feels different. Where are we?????
We come into the daylight and on some type of vehicle that moves us to another building. Then we are set down and we see people walking by us. I am at the front of the kennel trying to look out and then all of a sudden I see MOM. Oh Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At this time I don’t care where we are, just let me see MOM and wow, I see POP too!!!!! Yipee!!!!!!!
Mom and Pop put us on a cart and then we go outside where we see cars and trucks again. Pop takes me out of the kennel and I give him a hug and start licking his face. I am so glad that I am with him and mom again.
We then get into a truck with Mom’s daughter and son in law and Lena’s Mom Ella. We drive for about an hour in this area where everything is green. Is this OZ I ask myself, as if I really even know where Oz is. Was that a tornado that hit us last night? How did we get here??? Doesn’t really matter to me, I am with Mom, Pop, and Lena and all is cool.
Until we get to this really nice big house. Oh, oh, there are 2 more dogs there. One is 4 months old and bigger than my old friend Buddy. I remember Lena when she was 4 months old, but she was a little punk, this is a little bit bigger dog. Will I have to run for my life again???
I will keep you posted.
Lena, Lets check this strange place out

I think I will hang out here

Nice View

This is a very different place, must be Oz

Should I?

Bye for now!!!
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