My favorite game with Buddy is to challenge him to get my treats. I put the treat down just far enough from Buddy to kind of give him a challenge to get it from me.
Buddy has a few years on me and I have to admit, he is much more patient than me.
He just kind of sits there and ignores me like he isn't bothered, but what that sly dog is doing is just waiting for my DADD ( Dog Attention Deficit Deficiency ) to kick in.
Of course, I am not going to let pop show a picture of Buddy finally getting the treat when I loose focus. That wouldn't fit my Shih Tzu ego very well. I will just give Buddy credit that he has more patience than me and always seems to get the treat in the end, but I really make him work for it.
Go ahead Buddy and take that treat,

I knew you couldn't do it

OK, he got it,but I am not showing that picture.
Bye for now,
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