Saturday, July 26, 2008

Go Ahead and Try it Buddy


My favorite game with Buddy is to challenge him to get my treats. I put the treat down just far enough from Buddy to kind of give him a challenge to get it from me.
Buddy has a few years on me and I have to admit, he is much more patient than me.
He just kind of sits there and ignores me like he isn't bothered, but what that sly dog is doing is just waiting for my DADD ( Dog Attention Deficit Deficiency ) to kick in.

Of course, I am not going to let pop show a picture of Buddy finally getting the treat when I loose focus. That wouldn't fit my Shih Tzu ego very well. I will just give Buddy credit that he has more patience than me and always seems to get the treat in the end, but I really make him work for it.

Go ahead Buddy and take that treat,

I knew you couldn't do it

OK, he got it,but I am not showing that picture.

Bye for now,


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Living the Shih Tzu Life

Hello everyone,

How is this for living the life, but I know I have been busted. Pop was looking for me today and he couldn't find me. He was calling for me and I wasn't coming. Why should I when I have found a place in the house that makes me feel like I am at the beach.
You can see from the pictures why pop is now calling me Tommy Bahama. It is nice and cool in this room and very quiet since hardly anyone ever comes in here.


Here I am before he caught me when I am sleeping.


This is the realization that I have been busted. But he is ok with it. I pretty much get most of what i want anyway around here.

Anyway, have a good day and later


Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's About Time - No More Hot Dogs!!!

Hello everyone,

Yes, it is about time that Mom and Pop decided that the only hot dogs they should in this home are the ones on the Bar B Q.

Temperature folks! It has been getting hotter all summer and it is now July, with 95 to 100 degrees on several days. I am not sure about Mom and Pop but I believe they can get down to a lot less clothing than the coats that Buddy and I wear all year around. Sure they give us haircuts and keep our coats short, but come on.

I would like to thank them for turning on the Air Conditioning for the last 2 days that were very hot and for here in Colorado, very humid. It was very nice to spend the day inside where it was a lot cooler than outside.

We are very appreciative, thank you.

Talk to you all later.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Buddy Found a Toy

Hello again !

My brother Buddy must have had a rough life his first 4 years. You see, Mom and Pop adopted him after they saw him on TV one day and Mom made up her mind that instant that she wanted Buddy to be a part of us. Up until that time, and after my sisters Coco and Chanel left to live with Aunt Karen, I was the only game in town.

That is important to know so you won't think I am just a big spoiled brat. Of course being a Shih Tzu, I only know about myself, for myself and all that stuff. I always got all the toys, attention, snacks, etc.

Buddy comes from being outside most of his life, until he came to us, so he had no real idea about the paradise that I live in. It has taken him a while to fit in, but even I have to admit he is starting to come around to the life of being spoiled.

The other day, Mom and Pop couldn't figure out where Buddy was. They looked all over for him and then they found him. He was in the bedroom, grooming a pair of moms slippers that she had just bought.

Finally Buddy thought he had got a toy for himself and only for himself.

I thought Mom and Pop were going to die laughing until they figured out that what Buddy was really doing was taking care of what he thought was his first prize or toy he got for himself and that I didn't have a chance to lay claim on it. After everyone had a good laugh, mom put the slipper back in the closet.

In about another hour, Buddy disappeared. Pop went into the bedroom and once again Buddy was there grooming the slipper. It was at this time that pop figured out that Buddy was very serious about these slippers being his own and talked mom into just letting Buddy have them. After all, Buddy has always had to fight for everything he got and when I ( Sully ) even made a move toward the slippers, Buddy would growl at me, so I knew he was very serious. I gave into Buddy and have conceded that one thing to be his own.

Buddy is a very Humble, Patient, Loving dog and even I, the spoiled brat, know that he has to have something he can call his own.

These 2 pictures below show how proud Buddy is with moms slippers, other wise know as his own toys now.

sully cool dog brother buddy 1

sully cool dog brother buddy 2

In closing, I have to ask a question.

How many humans and myself included( I am not human) would have let a dog that has faced abuse for the first 4 years of his life, keep what he thought was a toy that actually was a pair of slippers,without getting upset and enjoying the actual pleasure of seeing a dog discover something for himself that he could own and take care of.

I am so glad I am with Mom and Pop.

See ya later

Sully and my brother Buddy

Monday, July 07, 2008

What Day is It?

Why do I aks this question? Here is why - If I am not mistaken, today is July 7th. July 4th was 3 days ago. I am a Shih Tzu and I can count that out.

OK- why are you nuts still shooting off fireworks? My goodness, don't you know that bothers both Buddy and Me. It makes us anxious and poor Buddy, he is so scared he won't even go potty until 2 in the morning. I am sure pop loves that.

We put up with the July 4th fireworks and all the loud bangs. We will give you that, but I am not putting up with it anymore.

Buddy is so scared of the noise that he has to get pop to take him down to the basement so he won't hear all the noise. Now that it appears that the fireworks are going to end,it looks like we are going to get Thunder.

OK, I have done my rant, it is time to go back and take a nap.

All I ask is that you celebrate July 4th in one day.

Now if you want to celebrate my Birthday or Christmas more than one day, I am cool with that.

Bye for Now

Sully and Buddy

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Sully and Buddy Close Call

Hello everyone,
The last time I posted, I told you about my prison vacation. Well, I think my pop likes playing with my dog mind because last Friday at about the same time of the evening, mom and pop ask me if I want to go for a ride. Of course I do, I am a dog and I get excited when I get to do the things I really like.

Going for a ride is always something I do as soon as I even sense I have a chance to go. Anyway, I ran out to the truck like I always do, you know I have to be first in everything including getting into the truck. That is all cool, but when Buddy came along, I knew something was up. You see, Buddy doesn't like to go for rides, he usually gets sick. He is very patient and just waits at home when I go.

So, we take off and now we are going the same way as we did when I went to the prison. Come on, this can't be happening again, I am thinking to myself. Now my tail isn't wagging, I am not the happy dog I usually am because I think I have been duped again.

We are getting closer to the place and I am getting nervous, all of a sudden I see the prison, but guess what, we pass the exit. I am now relieved. I still don't understand why Buddy is with us in the car. The only other time he goes with me is.......... oh I get, we must be going to the groomer.

OK, this time I am glad to go, because I know I am not doing time there, it is only a few hours. We pull in to Petsmart and I am finally relieved, yes it is the groomers. Below are my before and after pics. Somehow Buddy's got misplaced, but it still is really about me anyway.

Me Before the groomer - I look pretty cool here don't I?

Sullycooldog before

Me after

sullycooldog after

Anyway, I made it out of the groomer and got back home, but that was a close call.

Bye for now

Sully and Buddy