Hello again !
My brother Buddy must have had a rough life his first 4 years. You see, Mom and Pop adopted him after they saw him on TV one day and Mom made up her mind that instant that she wanted Buddy to be a part of us. Up until that time, and after my sisters Coco and Chanel left to live with Aunt Karen, I was the only game in town.
That is important to know so you won't think I am just a big spoiled brat. Of course being a Shih Tzu, I only know about myself, for myself and all that stuff. I always got all the toys, attention, snacks, etc.
Buddy comes from being outside most of his life, until he came to us, so he had no real idea about the paradise that I live in. It has taken him a while to fit in, but even I have to admit he is starting to come around to the life of being spoiled.
The other day, Mom and Pop couldn't figure out where Buddy was. They looked all over for him and then they found him. He was in the bedroom, grooming a pair of moms slippers that she had just bought.
Finally Buddy thought he had got a toy for himself and only for himself.
I thought Mom and Pop were going to die laughing until they figured out that what Buddy was really doing was taking care of what he thought was his first prize or toy he got for himself and that I didn't have a chance to lay claim on it. After everyone had a good laugh, mom put the slipper back in the closet.
In about another hour, Buddy disappeared. Pop went into the bedroom and once again Buddy was there grooming the slipper. It was at this time that pop figured out that Buddy was very serious about these slippers being his own and talked mom into just letting Buddy have them. After all, Buddy has always had to fight for everything he got and when I ( Sully ) even made a move toward the slippers, Buddy would growl at me, so I knew he was very serious. I gave into Buddy and have conceded that one thing to be his own.
Buddy is a very Humble, Patient, Loving dog and even I, the spoiled brat, know that he has to have something he can call his own.
These 2 pictures below show how proud Buddy is with moms slippers, other wise know as his own toys now.

In closing, I have to ask a question.
How many humans and myself included( I am not human) would have let a dog that has faced abuse for the first 4 years of his life, keep what he thought was a toy that actually was a pair of slippers,without getting upset and enjoying the actual pleasure of seeing a dog discover something for himself that he could own and take care of.
I am so glad I am with Mom and Pop.
See ya later
Sully and my brother Buddy