OK, Yes I probably got a little cabin fever since this was another snowy year for us and I just don't really like to hang outside when the ground is white and cold. I guess I must have been seeing things when I wanted to attack what I thought was Charlie the squirrel in the window. Once I started barking, of course Buddy had to come running and add to it. Then Mom come around to see what all he fuss was and she just busted out laughing. Well Buddy and I couldn't figure out why she was laughing so hard and long but once we settled down and looked at what was really in the window, we got embarrassed and decided to go into another room and sleep it off. Anyway, I like to share everything, so look below and you can see what we thought was a squirrel, or at least we wanted it to be.

Ok,now you have had your laugh, it was funny.
When we woke up this morning, of course there was snow, but most of it was gone by 2 pm.

We had a good Easter today. Mom and Pop were home almost all day, so we were able to just relax and have a good day. Pop took us on a couple of walks and we covered about 1 1/2 miles. Now, I am not a mathematician, but if pop weighs about 20 times what I do and we go about 1 1/2 miles, does that mean that his really easy 1 1/2 miles is the same as putting me through a marathon of over 20 miles based on our size difference? I wonder if he ever thinks about that. No wonder, I run from him sometimes when I see the walk leash coming my way. Once I see Buddy going with pop because he loves to walk (but he is 2 times bigger than me),I have to go. No way I can let Buddy show me up.
Well, it is time for me to rest since I am tired.
I will write again soon.
1 comment:
I really enjoyed your post. I know how it feels to be caught looking silly. It's OK. We know our humans laugh at us sometimes - but they never know when we are laughing at them! haha
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