Friday, February 09, 2007

Sully Shih Tzu

Once again it has been a while since I wrote an entry to this blog, but what can a Shih Tzu do when it snows 7 straight weeks and I stay in the house most of the time.
I do get out when mom and pop take me for our nightly rides just in case someone is brave enough to walk their dogs and I get a chance to say hello to them. The good news is the weather is starting to get better and I don’t live in upstate New York. I feel for you guys up there. Over 100 “ of snow and still counting. I was acting like the end of the world here when we had 74” in 7 weeks. I hope your lakes freeze over soon so the wind can’t pick up the moisture and drop it on you as snow.
We are looking at maybe more snow this Tuesday and Wed and they don’t know how much. That is a warning in itself.
The other night pop took me out for a ride, he knew I was getting bored and he had to go drop some books off at the library (can you believe that, I only thought he watched sports, but he reads too) anyway, I am always looking for my brothers and sisters in the hood and I saw what I thought was one and I got real vocal with him. Pop said it was a Coyote and it was only about 3 blocks from the house. I guess that is why he is always on my tail when I go out especially at night. He said that Coyotes are not my friend and that they are looking for food and I would be just the right meal. As long as I am in the car and that Coyote is outside, I know I am a lot tougher than he is. Anyway, I have to watch myself especially since a lot of the snow has melted and I am back to exploring the backyard again.
I got a haircut today and I feel so much better . I really like it when I get cleaned up. I am used to it now and I don’t even whine anymore when I go in. The ladies there really like me because I am so cute. It really helps my Shih Tzu ego out a lot.

I will leave now and good luck to upstate New York.


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