Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone had a good New Years celebration. Thankfully, the fireworks were very few and that is just ok with me. I get very agitated when they keep shooting off fireworks.
Pop says I can bark whenever I want if these folks get too far out of hand with their fireworks and firecrackers. Just plain ridiculous. I guess they don't understand that we see and hear at different vibration levels than humans do.
Ok, I am done with that rant, nice to get it off my chest.
I wanted to post some pics of winter here in the Denver area. Pop took some pics of our sunsets that we get in the winter and of course some snow at night which is just plain majestic at times.
So far we have only had about 8" of snow this year and that is very little compared to this time of year in the past.
3 Pictures of a Beautiful Sunset around 5:10pm last night.

Now the Majestic Night Snowfall - Looks Like Fun Doesn't It?

It has been pretty nice here this winter and we have only missed a couple of walks due to severe cold or snowfall, I am anxious for spring because that means that we always take walks after dinner and before the Rockies baseball games on most nights.
Yea - Baseball = warmer weather - fantastic.
Will touch base soon
Love to All!!!
Sully and Lena