Yes I am still around!!!!
It has been a while since I have lasted posted but that doesn't mean I have just been chillin this summer. Last time, it was snowing, but now it has been in the high 90 degrees almost daily.
Since I am such a small dog, I have to spend alot of time in the house so I don't fry outside. I like the weather in the spring and fall and most of the time in the winter because I get to go on rides with mom when she works out or goes shopping. It is just too hot in the truck in the summer, so unless we aren't stopping anywhere for a period of time, I have to stay home. Booooooring. At least I have my sister Lena to be with. She has turned out to be a really cool friend. We get along very well.
I have some pictures below of Lena and Me just hanging out on a warm day in the cool house. Thanks pop for keeping the AC on.
This is me- getting ready for the groomers in a few hours- shaggy.

Lean an me hanging out in the next 4 pics

We will be getting ready for a garage sale in a few days and I am very excited. I didn't used to like them because I had to stay in the house or the back yard while everyone else was having fun. I convinced Mom and Pop that I could be good around people so they gave me a chance. I didn't disappoint anyone as I have now learned how to behave around bunches of people.
I even behave on the trail during our walks when other dog friends come around me. I can't say the same of my sister. She is a crazy dog when there are others around. She thinks she can whip an 80 lb dog and as long she is on that leash and pop is there, she is really tough. I don't think she would be the same if pop somehow let her loose. I don't want to find out. She just needs to chill out around others.
I will keep in touch, hopefully more often now that alot of the work is done around the house and we are making progress in getting ready for the fall craft fairs.
Mom makes all these aprons at Nanas Aprons
Have a good day, week, month - Bye for now