I hope everyone had a Happy Easter. Lena and I sure did.
The weather here was beautiful, we took a couple of walks, pop did a bar b que for afternoon dinner and that meant we had some bones.
It is so nice that it is getting warmer here now that we are into spring. I know we will still have a snow or two before we get into May, but it was just nice to have the sun yesterday and I could lay around outside helping pop with the yard work. This whole weekend was pretty nice and I helped watch him while he was working.
Not sure why he had to take some tylenol for some kind of (minor)back pain, I don't need any of that stuff. Thats right, I am just laying around watching him, but sometimes, I get up and move around because the neighbor dogs are outside and I love to keep an eye on them.
Have a good week everyone, see you again soon.