as told by Sully 8/8/2010)

Hello Everyone,
We had a very scary night around the house last night. Around 7:30 Mom took Lena outside to do her business and all of a sudden, she had a very hard time walking and was in pain on her back right paw. Luckily Mom was outside and saw that Lena was in trouble so she brought Lena inside the house and told Pop that Lena was having a very hard time.
Once a gain, luck would have it, Pop was getting ready to do a 4 mile run and he wouldn't have been in the house.
Pop took over and took Lena back outside and then really realized that we had a major issue to overcome.
We still don't know what happened but she either got stung by a yellow jacket, or bit by a spider.
Lena started to loose all control of everything, front, back, couldn't hardly move and pop kept talking to her to keep her awake.
Pop took Lena into the laundry room and put her on the table so he could have her at his height, and tried to comfort her the best he could. He even lifted me up so I could see, but after a few minutes I didn't want any part of it. I started to cry and was wondering if i was going to lose my sister.
Last year I lost my brother Buddy in June of 09. Pop kept telling her that she was going to be ok and he just kept talking to her to keep her awake. This went on for about 2 hours.
Finally Lena make some kind of responsive moves that indicated she had heard her squeaky ball (mom was squeaking it) and when pop asked her if she wanted to take a walk, she ever so slightly lifted her ears.
Pop then moved Lena to the front porch so she could continue to remove the poison on the front yard instead of the Laundry room. Lena would walk a little, them lay in the cool grass.
Around 11pm, Lena started to walk a little more and actually went with pop almost down to the mail box, 4 houses away. Lena was still removing poison, but pop got real excited when she started to drink water.He told mom and she came out and sat with Lena for a while so pop could shower. He knew she wouldn't dehydrate then and was confident that he could leave her for a few minutes. Mom was talking to her and petting her making it real comfortable for her.
I was watching all this from the window in the front room because I would be in the way if I was outside
About 1am, pop set up his chair in the entry way of the inside of the house and was able to make a wall around the openings to the rest of the house. Pop saw that Lena was settling down so he wanted to have her sleep on his lap all night in case she had to move, he would wake up and take her outside.
I woke up at about 4:30 and went to see pop. He let me inside the wall for a bit, but I decided Lena was ok and I was going back to my bed.
Today, I must say has been better. Lena started eating around 8am. We took a walk and I knew she was ok when she started barking at other dogs. Pop then took us for a ride to the post office and we barked at all the dogs that we drove by.
Even though Lena got a bunch of top billing for 18 hours, I will trade mine for her to be ok. Today, most of us have been sleeping or laying around the house as we are all very tired.
Wow, that was a close call. Lena has allergies and she must have had a bad reaction to whatever it was that got her.
Back to lounging around.
Bye to all
Love, Sully and Lena