Thanks for stopping by, we all appreciate it.
Living in Colorado is really cool. Just 3 days ago we had record highs and we were sitting outside with pop with the umbrellas up so we wouldn't get sun burned. Yes, we can get sunburned too.
So what changed?
Well, when we went out this morning and were sitting on the back porch, we kind of thought it would be just like another day, a little cooler, but what the heck.
Of course, pop knew the weather was going to turn on us but he didn't tell us. Actually, I am not really sure how he would.
Anyway, we do our usual in the morning, walk around the yard, make sure no one else has been in our territory, then we usually go back in and just relax for the day that any dog would have to face. The life of leisure, while pop goes to work and makes sure we have what we need.
Pop didn't go to work today, he takes days off sometimes, so he took me for a ride. We went to the store and library for a few minutes each and then home.
After that, I noticed that the snow was starting to come down harder. Mom and Pop decide to go back out. They had a couple errands to run and then they got a Pizza.
Of course, I got to go with them. Nothing like Pizza on a cold day. Problem is, I coudldn't care less about their pizza, I don't eat them anyway.
I do care about the fact that even I knew that the driving conditions were bad. Couldn't see farther than maybe 1/8 of a mile. It was really a blizzard, white out conditions. Pop said, he should have brought his sunglasses since they have a glare protector in them and they really work in these conditions. He said that he wasn't able to see real good,(wow that makes me feel real safe), since the ice kept freezing on the wipers which kept them from working correctly. Anyway, we finally made it home safe.
When we were watching the TV, one of the things that they were saying is that several of the drivers were having trouble with the ice freezing on their wipers and they were pulling off or stoping on the roads to knock the ice off. They asked that people not do that since it was causing some problems.
Here is what I don't get. How in the world do the people that are driving know that they are creating a problem and are supposed to heed the advice of the TV news teams when they aren't in front of their TV. The last time I checked, most people don't have TV's in their cars. I don't know if pop got out and knocked ice of of his wipers, I had my eyes closed because we couldn't see anyway. I think I took a nap. I do know that he saw the news on TV about the ice on wipers and he said something about how he did knock the ice off in a different way than how they were describing it. I said yeah, sure pop. Anyway, I will let you decide for yourselves, what he really did.
Below are some pictures of the day unfolding. No snow, little snow, more snow, Buddy saying I am not going back out, Everyone back out lots of snow.

It is supposed to stop by around Midnight tonight and start to dry up and clear up.
I love Colorado
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Love you