Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sully Says Happy T-day

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone,

This was our first Thanksgiving with our new Sister Lena. I am very thankful she has joined our family. She is getting to be quite the character. I am still a little jealous of her at times.

I have to tell you this quick story even if I am going to have to be humble to bring it on. The other day, pop was picking up the poops that we did in the yard and when he went to empty it in the special bucket we have, he saw one of the stuffed animals in there.

I don't know what goes thru his mind, but he kind of just looked at it, looked at us, of course we just turned our heads at him, then he looked at it again and just shook his head. He didn't say anything, just walked away.

Later that night, mom told him how Lena was playing with the stuffed chicken and that Sully ( thats me ) got very jealous or upset, she used different words, and he decided to put his mark on it. She had no choice but to put it in the garbage.

I know pop was laughing pretty good, because he said to her, I couldn't figure out what had happened, but I can sure see the top dog doing something like that.

I am told that it is a good thing I am the top dog, because if I would have been a human, I just might have received a nice little spanking for doing something like that.

It is nice to be able to do stuff like that and get away with it.

Anyway, I wanted to show you some of our Thanksgiving day pictures and wish everyone a Happy and Peaceful day.













Happy T-Day

Sully, Buddy, Lena

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sully's Sister and Near Tragedy

Hello Everyone;

We had some major excitement around here 2 nights ago. Pop was getting ready to take us for a walk and we decided that Lena could go with us. Pop put her in the arm sling and we started off and got 2 houses down when Lina got excited and decided that she wanted join Buddy and Me.

There was only 1 problem. She was about 4’ in the air and she decided that she could fly. She tried to jump out of the sling and pop tried to stop her but she got away and took a nasty fall onto the concrete sidewalk. It scared the crap out of us; she was really hurt and crying like no ones business. Pop ran her to the house, he dropped the leashes we were on and we followed him back to the house. Mom took Lena and she (Lena) stopped crying. I was so scared, I ran upstairs and started crying also. Buddy was so concerned that he just sat there with his big eyes just staring at Lina.

After a little bit of time, maybe 30 minutes, human time( now I hear that if you multiply that by 7 which equals dog time,you can imagine how long that was to us) it looked like there were no serious injuries and pop took her and placed her on the floor because he wanted to see if she was walking straight. She was. Buddy was now walking next to her and was very gentle as he was concerned. Then I didn’t think I would see this happen but Buddy shared his chicken strip with Lena. We then went out to the back and now Buddy was playing with Lena and that was the first time that had happened. I finally came downstairs ( I was watching thru the railings) and went outside and we all started playing thankful that our new little sister, of which we were so jealous of just a few moments before had actually survived that nasty fall.

Now as you can see in the picture, both Buddy and I have accepted her and we are all one happy family as we lay on the bed together. We are glad that we have a sister; she is really getting to be fun to play with.


Sometimes it takes a near tragedy to pull people together and I guess that we are not all that different. We have feelings too.

Talk to you all Later

Sully, Buddy, and Lena

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sully and Lena Pics

Hello Again,

I just thought I would throw in a few more pictures of Lena and Myself. Of course I have the upper hand. Doesn't she look like she is pouting? Ah ,come on,you can get it!


I always give in to her like below


Ok, Let's don't forget Buddy


See Ya Later, Sully

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sully and Buddy are Back with new Sister

Hello everyone.
Wow, I haven't been on here since July 26th. What happened to Sully Shih Tzu during that time.

I have a new sister now. Her name is Lena.

Sully and Lena

When she was born she was so small that Mom and Pop named her that after Thumbalina (not sure of the spelling). She was born up in Washington State and Mom was up there for 3 weeks visiting with her daughter and then brought her home. She is pretty cool now, at least as far as I am concerned, but Buddy is having a hard time with her.

It was hard for me at first because you know, I am top billing around here and when Mom brought Buddy home, I was ok with that because it gave me a companion. When Mom brought home Lena, it was pretty much of a shock because we had been with Pop for 3 weeks and then a little whirling dervish comes into the house and kind of takes over. Honestly. I didn't know what it was at first. She is the size of a squirrel that runs around the back yard. I couldn't believe Mom and Pop were bringing in a squirrel from the back, then I figured it out after watching her for a day,that maybe she would be one of us. Buddy still doesn't know what she is, but he has always been a little slow anyway.

There has been alot happen since July 26th and I will get some of the stories out to all soon.