Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Missed a Shih Tzu Blizzard

Wow, we just missed a blizzard on Friday. Shih Tzu’s like snow, but a blizzard in April? We were supposed to get about 16” of snow and the storm went about 20 miles south of us and all we got was a few flurries. I am so glad that we didn’t have to have all that wet sloppy snow this time of year. It is hard for me to do my business outside in that slop. Anyway, I am very thankful for me that it went to the south.

I just want a few months of really nice dry weather. The thunderstorms are cool but why do the jets fly in the sky every time the light flashes. Don’t they understand that it is dangerous? Pop tells me that that is thunder, well duh pop, thanks for the information. I am just a Shih Tzu and you can’t expect me to know that. I just say what relates to me.

We go for walks a lot now and a ride in the car almost every night, Shih Tzu’s love to travel and whenever I get a chance to go in the car or truck, I pounce on it.

The grass is really getting green now. It is really neat because I get to lie on the green grass and chew my bone. On warm days the green grass is cool on my body. Shih Tzu’s don’t really like the warm weather so in the shade and on the grass is where it is at.

The days are longer now and I get to play ball with pop in the back yard now after he comes home from work. That is cool. Who wants to be locked in a house for as long as this winter has been? Not me, it is fun going outside and keeping the rabbits and squirrels in their place. They just can’t mess with Sully Cool Dog. Not in my House.

I have been working out lately. How does a 10 lb Shih Tzu work out? No I don’t’ lift weights, I go on mile long walks with pop and we go up a hill and look at the Denver city skyline from there. He thinks it is really cool up there; all I get out of it is sniffing the grass for foreign objects and also to learn my way back. Sometimes I think he is goofy on what he thinks is cool. Walk a mile to see a view? My goodness pop, why can’t we just take the car or truck? Oh well.


Shih Tzu Baseball

I love this time of year. This is my second spring in life and last year this Shih Tzu didn’t know what was going on when it comes to baseball. All I knew was that I was able to hang around with pop a lot because he watches a lot of the Rockies games, or at least he does until mid May because by then they are usually out of any pennant race. I hope they get into at least July this year because I get to relax with him and sit on his lap while he tunes into the games.. Anytime I get to monopolize his time if a good thing for me because I am a high maintenance Shih Tzu.

I was really excited when the weather started turning nice here in March. We had several 70 degree days and it was pretty dry. Then April came. Here is what I don’t get. Isn’t April closer to summer than March? If so, why did we end up with a lot of Snow around Easter? At least most of it melted before the end of the day. We don’t get the super freezing cold this time of year.

The grass is green now and I am really enjoying being outside. Even Shih Tzu’s get cabin fever. It is nice to sit outside on my patio chair ( yes my chair, I deserve it)
The flowers are coming up, like I really care, but pop is writing this and he thinks it means that the warmer weather is coming. Here is what I think – I have a place to dig and bury my bones but don’t tell anyone that or I will be in big trouble.

I am going now, will see you soon.
