Saturday, September 16, 2006

Friday Shih Tzu Shots


Yesterday I had to go to the vet to get some of my annual shots. I was supposed to get 3 of them, but since I am so small, they only gave me one and I have to go back and get 2 more in a couple of weeks. I didn't even feel the one they gave me. They must think I am a total wuss, but I am a stud and they better start understanding that. I don't like the idea of having to go back there again. Maybe I will just start eating more, so I can put on some weight and they can quit treating me like a baby.
I did get a little tired though and I didn't even care if Bugs was in the front yard when we got home. I wonder what was in those shots.

Anyway, will talk to you later


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sully Cool Dog

Hello Again
Sully Shih Tzu with some more on my life as a Shih Tzu.
It has been a week since I last posted and I haven't really done much, but I did have on moment that I think I scared pop a little bit. We were out for one of our almost daily rides and all was ok with that. When we pulled into the driveway I noticed Bugs Bunny in the front yard. When I get out of the truck, Pop usually lets me walk on the front yard and sidewalk so I can settle down from the ride. I just get so excited. I was pretty cool with Bugs in the front yard, but something just came over me and I had to tear out after him. I chased him through the neighbors yards (4 of them) down to about the mailboxes. Pop had to break out in a run to stay with me so I wouldn't run into the road. He was really hurting after that, (something about his ankle). If he was mad at me I didn't know it, because he was laughing, but I could feel he was really upset with me. I am just a dog, he doesn't get it. Anyway, that was about the highlight of the last week. It sure wasn't Sunday when the Broncos lost their home opener. Maybe better this week or I will be chasing Snakes in Denver (you know, as in Jake)
Talk to you Later

Love ya


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sully Shih Tzu

Hello again from Sully Shih Tzu.

Hope everyone is doing well. I have been doing good. Just got another bath tonight and I am going to sleep for a while. I always get tired after a bath. Must be relaxed.
I have really learned to fetch the ball now. When my sister Coco lived here she always fetched the ball for pop and she would give it back to him. What a fool she was. I bring the ball back and then I look at pop and if he ignores me I start doing my Shih Tzu talk (almost under my breath growl) to him to get his attention. As soon as he goes for the ball, I grab it and play keep away with it. That way I don't have to run after it as much as Coco did. I can run after it only 5 times in 15 minutes and she would run after it 20 times in 15 minutes. See, I am pretty bright aren't I?
Now one thing I can't figure out. My mom goes to bed at night and she puts this cold ice pack on her back and it drives me nuts to figure out what it is. She keeps it wraped in a towel. She had some back surgery and I guess she needs it to help her recover. I hope she gets better so she can get rid of that thing and I don't have to worry about it.

Anyway, like I said earlier, I am going to sleep now, until the neighbors come home and I have to bark at them.

Night All
