What a day so far for this Shih Tzu.It was about time for my bath tonight and pop took me outside to do my business before I get my bath. There is alot of snow outside, probably still about 15" and pop built alot of trails as I stated before.
He went inside after I did my business, I usually stay out for a few minutes just to bug him. He was getting my bath ready, towels,shampoo etc, then he came back out about 3 minutes later and was calling for me. I didn't answer. He kept calling me and calling me, still no answer. I heard him go into the house and he said to mom, he couldn't find me. He got a flashlight and then came back out to look again. Still no answer, now I can tell he is getting very nervous because at least I usually make a movement and my dog tags rattle and he can hear me. He then starts calling a little louder just in case I am in defiance because he thinks I am aware I am getting a bath and I like to play hard to get. Still no answer from me. Now here is where his brilliance as a legendary tracker sets in. He starts going into the snow that has not been touched, no tracks, not even any clue of me being in that area. He starts moving snow, calling for me thinking I might have had the snow cave in around me. Still he can't see me. Then the light bulb comes on, he logically deducts that if he sees no tracks, I must not be in the snow. The last time I checked, I couldn't fly and now he is starting to figure it out. Hey pop, try the dog house, maybe you will find me, but since you were calling my name louder than usual, I am not going to answer, I think I am in trouble. Remember yesterday when you were getting excited watching the Broncos win and you would get excited when they made a great play and I would think you were yelling at me? Keep your cool dude! Remember, it is all about me, ok? Anyway, Guess what, he finally checks the dog house by the back door and of course I am in there curled up. It is warm there. Once again, I am amazed at how sharp he is lately. He and mom taught me what the dog house was and it isn't like this is the first time I have gone there. Anyway, it was really interesting around here for about 10 minutes.
I still had to have my bath.
All is ok now, this house is just hilarious sometimes(most of the time).
I have to go now and see what else happens tonight.